From our "Projects of the Week" posts:
A couple new friends of mine, Albert & Mary, who also moved to Tennessee recently reached out to me about going up to Clarksville to look at a few small projects. New flooring, fence/gate repair, and a deck facelift. This is one of their rentals, and it was just vacated earlier this month. The new flooring is on order, so while we wait for it to arrive I started with the removal of all the 1/4 round shoe molding from all around the baseboards, and scraped off the old caulking. Then took up all of the old flooring on the first floor, and discovered some mold form an old leak. I cleaned, scrubbed, treated the mold using a microbial cleaner, and opened the windows to ventilate the house.
During this week I stayed a couple nights in Clarksville where I continued on with the new flooring project for friends Albert & Mary in their rental property. They opted for a high quality antimicrobial underlayment to detour moisture and to help prevent the growth mold which I had to treat in a few areas. Then I proceeded to lay down the new Mohawk PureTech (PVC free) laminate flooring. After I completed one long run of flooring, I then covered it with Ram Board floor protectant, and moved the tools over on to it. Cutting the flooring close to the work area helped with speed and efficiency.
This past week I returned to Albert & Mary's rental in Clarksville to finish up the flooring install, which involved a few crazy cuts in order to fit under the door casings and jambs. I'm just about done with the 1/4 round molding install as well. When I return again, I'll finish installing the 1/4 round. Then I'll caulk the joints, and fill nail holes. After that I'll paint both the baseboards and 1/4 round molding.
I returned to Albert & Mary's rental property in Clarksville at the end of the week to caulk the 1/4 round molding, fill the nail holes, mask the floor, and then paint the baseboard & the 1/4 round.
View our "Projects of the Week" photo albums on our Facebook page, and other videos as well
(Music Attributed to Kevin MacLeod)