After completing the sign for The Verdei Group Property Management this past week, I met with them and decided on a location just outside the community that they now manage in Donaldson, TN. I also constructed a 2nd sign for placement in the near future at another property that they manage, or will manage soon.
After shortening Lisa's headboard to fit under the window this past week, and assembling the rest of the bed frame, she then had me assemble her metal box spring. Then Lisa's Bifold closet doors came in, so I proceeded to get a couple coats of paint on those, installed them, and then installed her elegant new knobs on them.
A couple of clients from Nashville called me for a couple of projects. One wanted me to tackle a few small items including 2 special types of shelves that you can rest framed pictures or paintings on instead of hanging them.
The other client of ours who I installed a new front door for back in November (2024) is having some major remodeling done by a local General Contractor, so I stepped out of the way before I could complete the finish work around the perimeter of the door inside. The original plan was to restore the over 60 year old door casing, but it was going to take far more work than we determined it was worth, so I'm going to find a casing that closely matches instead. First I have to do some wall finishing around the door with a few applications of drywall mud, and sand in between coats. Then prime with PVA Primer. At that point I will install the new casing, and then finally paint everything. The wall, casing, and the door (inside).
View our "Projects of the Week" photo albums on our Facebook page, and other videos as well
(Music Attributed to Kevin MacLeod)